Happening This Week Jan 29
New at GJS Visit the Head of School messages for school-wide updates at Global Jaya School Head of School. This week contains photos of the Sports Carnival https://gjs-hos.blogspot.co.id/ MONDAY Period 7 Extended Tutor Group Year 7, 8 and 10 : Team Building games (in class). Year 9 : Japan Trip preparation with HOY (as requested by Pak Z) Year 11-12 : Sharing session with alumni in Dance Room, organized by SSS. Please collaborate with your Class Captains to ensure that everyone goes to the venue on time. Friday Afternoon Extended Tutor Group Time. See communication from Ibu Ingrid for details. Y12 Mock Exam Prep Y7 Assembly Prep PD and COLLABORATIVE MEETING Mon: Grading Personal Project. Meet in areas agreed upon by the team Weds : Grading Personal Project. Meet in areas agreed upon by the team Aim to have grades complete by Feb 9, Fri. Details a...