
Showing posts from February, 2017

Happening This Week, Feb 27

Welcome back grade 9 and 11 students and teachers! Term 3 Report writing is upon us, and useful information can be found in the "Report Writing" section on the tab above.  MONDAY Period 7 Year 7-10 Extended Tutor group Year 11 and 12 Work shop PD and COLLABORATIVE MEETING Mon: WASC IBO Self Study. See communication from coordinators for more details. Weds: Extended Essay guidance on First Formal Reflections. Fri Extended Tutor Group Time:  This year Tutor teachers are working with students on an advisory program during the Fri. Extended Tutor Time. The SSS and Pak Z have worked hard to put this together.  Thank you for all involved for all their work. This Friday: Y7 Communication “Get it together” activity. Y8 Review class rules “Yes no” activity. Y9 Internet and Social Media safety. MSC  and Report Writing See guidance that has been sent out from the Principals for report writing. It can be found on the MYP-DP Blog under the ta...

Happening this week Feb 20

Welcome back, there are a number of major events this week! Year 11 is on the Kuningan trip Year 9 is on the Japan trip . A number of teachers are away on these trips as well. MONDAY Period 7 Year 7-8 SSS Workshop. Year 10 and 12 YLM PD and COLLABORATIVE MEETING Mon: Department Priorities. Learning Progression/Unit planning, WASC, PGPS Weds: Department Priorities. Learning Progression/Unit planning, WASC, PGPS Fri Extended Tutor Group Time        Students will be taking part in the 7 -10 Communication skills. Thank you Tutor Teachers for your support. Draft of Timeline for T3 reports. The final instructions will be comming shortly 01 – 08 March Teachers submit generic report comments to HOD for proofreading 01 – 10 March HODs submit compilation(s) of comments to a Principal for final proofreading. 13 March all grades and (generic) comments are in ManageBac 14 – 15 March HoY and Tutors will check the re...

Happening This Week, Feb 13- Feb 17, 2017

Welcome back to a shortened week. We would like to congratulate everyone on all that has been accomplished with Personal Project and Mock exams. Personal Project should hopefully be graded by the end of the week. There is however a good deal of information for the Diploma Year 12 end of school. MONDAY Period 7 Y 8 Assembly PD and COLLABORATIVE MEETING Mon: Y 12 Marking and comments. (Those not involved in Y 12 can focus on Dept. Priorities, Learning Progressions/Unit planning/ WASC IBO/PGPs) Weds: No School Fri Extended Tutor Group Time        Students will be taking part in the 7 -10 Communication skills, “7 unique tips” activity. Diploma Update: Y12 End of school or mock exam We would like to thank you for your hard work in writing the exam and invigilating the exam. Year 12 students will be back in their normal lesson starting on 13 February 2017. If you have finished marking the exam, kindly prepare the analysis of th...

Happening This Week Feb 6-10, 2017

Welcome back, and congratulations to staff and students for some great “Grease” performances! We also made great progress working collaboratively to standardize the Personal Projects, not to mention the work being done on the Y 12 Mock Exams. Happening this week: MONDAY Period 7 Y10 workshop for DP subject selection Y 7,8,9 YLM- take a stand Fri Ext Tutor Group Y7-10  communication activities  PD and COLLABORATIVE MEETING Mon: Y 12 Marking and comments. (Those not involved in Y 12 can focus on completing Personal Project or other priorities) Weds: Y 12 marking and comments (Those not involved in Y 12 can focus on Dept. Priorities, Learning Progressions/Unit planning/ WASC IBO/PGPs) Diploma Update: Year 12 Mock Exam Year 12 continues their Mock Exam starting on 30 January - 10 February 2017 so they will not be in their normal classes. Kindly read the invigilation schedule carefully and please aim to be in the exam room 5 minutes earli...