Happening this week: March 20

Dear Colleagues,

It has been a busy Term 3 and we are looking forward to a well-earned vacation! Thank you all for the completion of T3 Reports, Personal Project, and DP IA assessments. We have the Swim Carnival to look forward to on Weds day and DP arts Exhibition on Monday and Tues.

MONDAY Period 7

House Meeting


Monday. Prep Time for MSC
Weds. Prep Time for MSC

MYP and DP Update

Thank you everyone for the completion of Personal Project and DP IA. The year 10 students have gotten their grades back, and the Y 9 have started the planning process. Thank you all for completing the Y 12 DP IA. Job well done.

DP Art Exhibition

Happening in the theater Monday and Tues. Come see the great work the kids are doing.

Swim carnival

Weds all day. See communication from PHE for more information

Walk Through and Best Practice at Global Jaya

Feedback on walkthroughs has been provided to departments and HOD's last week. We saw a lot of good practice and we would like to provide teachers the opportunity to share and broaden ‘best practice’. Three things in particular we saw were:

·        Use of command terms in lesson objective, in class instruction, and in class displays.

·        Use of student choice of topic or product

·        Use of peer assessment and self-assessment

For more information about these practices see the ‘best practices’ tab on the top of this page

Self-Assessment and Peer -Assessment

One notable strategy that we saw was Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment. We observed students sharing papers and giving feedback on each. This is an important part of ATT Assessment for Learning. AFL deeply involves students in the process of assessment. The goal of assessment it “To build a bridge between teaching and learning” ("Introduction: teaching informed by assessment").


 Figure 1. “Memes Meme: Dad That Kid Said My Artwork Sucked” Me.me, me.me/i/dad-that-kid-said-my-artwork-sucked-how-to-give-7335859. Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.

Supporting research and theory

Peer assessment and Self-assessment are important parts of Assessment for Learning. For peer and self-assessment,   see the MYP DP Teacher guide for more on involving students in assessment on P 47 "Seven strategies for assessment" ("GJS MYP-DP Teacher Guide")These are two good strategies that can be shared. 

The philosophy of assessment for learning at GJS can be found on p14 of the GJS MYP DP Guide  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B41f9T_FZso4VGc0ajhzZHQ4NTA/view  ("GJS MYP-DP Teacher Guide").

For ways to promote peer feedback such as ‘two stars and a wish’  ‘Plus minus’ what next’ and ‘traffic lights’ see Assessment for learning http://www.assessmentforlearning.edu.au/professional_learning/peer_feedback/peer_strategies_enhance.html  ("Strategies to Enhance Peer Feedback").


Unit Reflection Section of the planner

Consider this feedback with the unit reflection: before, during and after. Does this and can this apply to other units? Is this something we do intuitively that can be formalized in the unit plan and lesson planning?

ATL Section of the planner

You can include peer assessment and self-assessment in the learning process section of the unit planner.
It can also be included under ATL for giving and receiving feedback under the “Social” skill.

Learning Process Section of the planner

The process of peer assessment can be included in the learning process section of the unit planner.

Work cited

“GJS MYP-DP Teacher Guide.” GJS MYP-DP Blog, Global Jaya IB Office, 20 Jan. 2017, drive.google.com/file/d/0B41f9T_FZso4VGc0ajhzZHQ4NTA/view. Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.
 “Introduction.” Teaching Informed by Assessment (Formative and Summative), IBO, xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group0/d_0_dpatl_gui_1502_1/static/dpatl/guide-teaching-informed-by-assessment.html. Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.
McCarthy, John. “Learner Interest Matters: Strategies for Empowering Student Choice.” Edutopia, 25 Aug. 2014, www.edutopia.org/blog/differentiated-instruction-learner-interest-matters-john-mccarthy. Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.
“Strategies to Enhance Peer Feedback.” Assessment for Learning, Educational Services Australia,

ml. Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.


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