Weekly Info Corner - 17 September 2018
Day and Date Time/Activity After school Monday, 17 September 2018 Period 7 – YLM Year 7: Advisory Activity (the instruction was sent directly to HoY) Year 8: Week Without Walls Preparation Year 9: Week Without Walls Preparation Year 10: Cidahu Camp Preparation Year 11-12: Refer to HOY instruction Staff Meeting at MPR 3 Wednesday, 19 September 2018 - Year 10 Horizontal Planning meeting – A14 Friday, 21 September 2018 Period 7 and Ext. Tutor: Peace day Assembly with the student council. This Monday, Year 8-10 will focus on their final preparation to Week Without Walls, which will happen next week. On Friday, 21 st September 2018 , Students Council along with The Seekers are having an assembly to celebrate the International Peace Day. They would like to have all secondary students to be a crucial part of the celebration. On that particular d...