Happening This Week, May 29
Exams 7-11 Mon, Tues, Weds. No School Thursday Friday Regular School PD and COLLABORATIVE MEETING Monday. Grading and Marking Weds. Grading and Marking This Week’s Message Ramadan Kareem! Now that we have graduated our grade 12 students and celebrated the achievements of our grade 10 students, we look forward to a smooth end of the school year. Please read through the remaining details below. This week includes exams for Y7-11 from Mon-Weds. We have no school Thursday, and regular classes again on Friday- except for students finishing language exams. Coming up we have the Y6-7 transition on June 8 and 9, and the Y 10-11 Transition activities on June 11-15. See the MYP and DP sections below. The Afterschool PD calendar for the rest of the year End of Semester MYP Grade, report writing, and exams During the week of May 8- May 12 we had ‘mini workshops’ on determining MYP final grades. See the GJS MYP-DP Gu...